At EL Law, our family law lawyers offer guidance to clients in Pennsylvania facing personal legal issues such as marriage, divorce, child custody, and support arrangements. This field is particularly challenging as it deals with emotionally charged matters and is constantly evolving in response to societal and economic trends. If you’re searching for the ‘best family law attorney near me’ or ‘child custody attorneys near me’, our clients need a family law attorney who possesses both strong interpersonal skills to provide support during major life transitions and legal skills to utilize innovative deal structures and guidelines.

Our firm covers matters in the following counties: Philadelphia, Delaware, Chester, Montgomery, Lancaster, Lehigh, and Northampton. Our services cover a wide range of family law matters including:

  • Adoption
  • Alimony
  • Asset & Debt Division
  • Child Abuse
  • Child Custody
  • Child Relocation
  • Child Support
  • Collaborative Divorce
  • Complex Divorce
  • Contested Divorce
  • Custody Modification & Enforcement
  • Custody Relocations
  • Dependency
  • Divorce Appeals
  • Divorce
  • Divorce Process
  • Domestic Violence
  • Father’s Rights
  • High Net Worth Divorce
  • LGBTQ Same Sex Divorce
  • Military Divorce
  • Name Change
  • Parenting Plans
  • Paternity
  • Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements
  • Property Division
  • Retirement & Pension Division
  • Spousal Support
  • Uncontested Divorce

We are equipped to represent both financially independent and dependent parties.

Our ultimate goal is to efficiently resolve each case and help our clients move forward with their lives. In some instances, we may utilize alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods such as mediation and arbitration to reach a satisfactory outcome. Our attorneys are versed in mediation proceedings and understand the benefits of avoiding confrontations and promoting cooperation, making us a go-to for divorce mediation. However, not every situation is suitable for ADR, and in those cases, our team at EL Law is prepared to aggressively advocate for our clients. We have experience in court and regularly appear before state courts, even in complex cases involving multiple proceedings for support, equitable distribution, and custody.

Divorce & Custody

EL Law possesses skill in various aspects of divorce and custody cases, ranging from amicable divorces with mutual agreement to intricate situations involving affluent couples or intense emotional disputes. Our priority is safeguarding your rights and ensuring that the result aligns with your requirements, specifically in crucial matters such as child custody, child support, alimony, and asset division. Our family law lawyer also deals with post-divorce matters, including divorce modifications, enforcement, and relocation of custody.


A prenuptial agreement can be advantageous for any couple, particularly in Pennsylvania where we’re experienced with the nuances of postnuptial agreement Pennsylvania cost and legislation. It allows both parties to have a clear understanding of each other’s financial situation and liabilities before entering into marriage. This ensures that they are in agreement on how to divide assets and handle alimony in case of a divorce. Additionally, a prenup can also ensure fairness by requiring the establishment of a will or life insurance policy. EL Law is available to assist with negotiating, drafting, or reviewing prenuptial agreements that are tailored to your needs and will hold up in court. If there are any disputes regarding the validity or terms of a prenup, we also have experience in litigating these matters. In the event that a prenuptial agreement was not created before marriage, we can still help address the same issues through a postnuptial agreement at any point.


Adopting a child can bring about a significant and positive transformation in your life, and it is undeniably one of the most fulfilling aspects of a family attorney’s work. While the process can be expensive and lengthy, neglecting proper precautions can lead to a failed adoption or legal disputes in the future. Allow our family law lawyer in Pennsylvania to guide and advocate for you, ensuring a seamless and prosperous adoption experience. Our services cover private, agency, domestic, international, and stepparent adoptions, with a special focus on stepparent adoption.

Protection from Abuse

The act of physical or sexual abuse is a serious crime that should not be taken lightly. To ensure your safety and that of your children, there are immediate actions you can take. In Pennsylvania, the Protection from Abuse Act allows individuals to request a protective order from the court. This order can be granted immediately and without the need to confront the abuser in court. It is valid for ten days, and after a formal hearing with the alleged abuser’s involvement, a final order can be issued for up to 36 months or longer. This protective order can safeguard against physical harm, threats of immediate and serious physical harm, sexual assault or rape, abuse of your children, stalking, and more. It can also require the abuser to leave the residence and prohibit the possession of weapons. Additionally, the order can address matters such as child custody, visitation, and support.

Protection from Abuse orders are available to household members who are related to the abuser by blood or marriage, those who share a child, and current or former dating partners. At EL Law, we represent family members who are seeking protection from abuse for themselves or their children.

We also assist alleged abusers who may lose their custody or other family law rights due to a protection from abuse order. We are committed to fighting for justice for those who have been falsely accused of abuse. If you have been served with a restraining order and are the respondent, we understand that these orders are often misused in the family court system, resulting in false accusations. We will work tirelessly to clear your name and protect your reputation from the negative impact of these orders. We will not hesitate to seek justice against anyone who abuses the system.

Name Changes

If a person wants to reclaim their maiden name after a divorce in Pennsylvania, they can do so by submitting a written notice and following the guidelines set by the state’s name change law. The same procedure applies to a widow who wishes to revert to her previous name after the death of her spouse. However, for other name changes, a more formal process is required which involves filing a petition with the court and making a public announcement to the co-parent. A judge then schedules a hearing within one to three months and allows anyone who opposes the name change to voice their objections. Our team can assist you in determining the appropriate steps and obtaining a name change for both you and your children, if necessary.


In the event that the court determines your child to be dependent, your child may either be placed under the court’s supervision while remaining in your care or be removed from your home and placed in foster care or shelter care. However, before this can occur, all necessary legal procedures must be followed, and you have the right to be represented by an attorney at every step, including the appointment of a guardian ad litem if necessary. EL Law, your dedicated child law attorney, is available to represent you in any shelter care hearings, permanency hearings, or hearings to terminate parental rights. We will also provide guidance on your rights for visitation and how to work towards reuniting your family. When it comes to protecting your right to raise your children, it is crucial to seek assistance from a knowledgeable family law professional who will advocate for your interests.