A corporate or workplace investigation is recommended when there is credible information of significant wrongdoing, misconduct, or ethical lapses. It may also be necessary to conduct an internal investigation even if no specific allegations have been made against an employee or department, but there have been allegations against others, and the investigation aims to rule out any potential wrongdoing within the company. Our attorneys regularly conduct thorough, independent, and analytical corporate investigations tailored to the specific needs and circumstances of our clients, ensuring a personal, efficient, and cost-effective process for company investigations. Understanding what an internal investigation and its meaning is crucial for maintaining organizational integrity.

In order to prevent conflicts, it is recommended that companies utilize a third-party entity to conduct impartial internal investigations. Our group consists of individuals who have served as law enforcement officers and investigators in both federal and state criminal justice systems. We possess significant expertise in carrying out employee investigations for a wide range of organizations, including public corporations, private businesses, government agencies, and nonprofit institutions.

Our investigations include fact-finding in response to specific inquiries, as well as proactive troubleshooting. Many of our clients seek our services after receiving subpoenas, administrative agency changes, search warrants, civil investigative demands, shareholder demands, internal complaints, and informal requests for information. In such cases, our lawyers efficiently and systematically conduct interviews with key employees and witnesses, as well as review relevant data and documents. Our ultimate goal is to provide important stakeholders with the necessary information to navigate the internal investigation process and compile a comprehensive internal investigation report.

Our firm should be retained by organizations, both large and small, to provide insight into perceived problems, conflicts, internal reports, or negative media coverage. These investigations cover a wide range of issues, including allegations of sexual harassment, hostile work environments, employee theft, and improper billing. Our team also includes a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist, Certified Investigator, and we collaborate with forensic accountants and other professionals when needed to protect our clients’ interests. In today’s business world, how employers handle allegations of workplace misconduct can significantly impact their reputation. Therefore, it is crucial to follow consistent principles and procedures when such allegations arise during workplace investigations.

Our attorneys have years of experience in conducting internal investigations and possess the necessary skills to ensure an effective and fair process that protects our clients’ interests. This includes preventing and detecting misconduct and violations, ensuring regulatory compliance with laws and regulations, and identifying areas for improvement in internal business operations. Understanding how to conduct an internal investigation is crucial for maintaining organizational integrity.

With our years of experience in various industries, including public and private education, healthcare, public service, and consumer products, we understand the complexities and challenges of each. Ultimately, an investigation is a fact-finding process that determines the truth about a specific incident, including whether any suspected misconduct or violations occurred, the circumstances surrounding it, and the individuals involved. Once the fact-finding is complete, we prepare a written internal investigation report, which can be a useful tool for management to develop corrective procedures and communicate to third parties that appropriate action has been taken based on the investigation findings.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of industries and topics that may be subject to internal investigations:

• Hospitals

• Nursing facilities

• Private medical practices

• Colleges and universities

• Religious institutions

• Natural gas fracking companies

• Water treatment facilities

• Nuclear energy facilities

• Media companies

• Insurance companies

• Financial institutions

• Securities dealers and brokers

• Law firms

• Bankruptcy and Creditors Rights Committees

• Police departments

• Defense contractors

• Food and beverage manufacturers and distributors

• Pharmaceutical companies

• Local governments

• Transportation companies

• Nonprofits

We further recommend conducting internal investigations in a wide variety of contexts, including:

• Whistleblower cases

• Internal public and private corruption matters

• Allegations of fraud, mismanagement, and waste

• Claims of sexual harassment and other misconduct

• Oversight and reviews of corporate executives

• Investigation of claims of improprieties in academic institutions.